Physical pain
Emotional pain
Heart pain
Humm we know it too well
Slowly or abrupty i would go through all your physical and inner layers
Hugging me, trying to keep me warm
Trying to contain me
Trying to store me
Trying to bury me
Hummm we know it too well
I will not rest
In your dark subconscious layers i will grow and spread
Now you may call me trauma
Like lighting i would reappear and be seen when thunder triggers me
Coming from a long way , disguised , you would not be able to recognize me
Deep trauma i would be
Turn around
Look inside
Look deeper into your soul mirror
Retrieve the key
Undust me
Look at me
Don't be scared
Hummm we know it too well
Feel me
Sit with me
Let me one last time submerge you
Let me one last time open you
Facing each other
Raw you and I will be
Vunerable we will be
Embracing each other
Understanding each other
Fear is gone
I am no longer scared
I am facing you
I feel my pain
With understanding , compassion and love
With gratitude for these hard lessons
I release you and let go
Only the wise lessons will be kept so that the cycle won t repeat once again
Sacred my wounds will be